What is date?
Date is a tree growing plant with the scientific name Phoenix Dactylifera L. belong to Palmaceae family with high similarity to coconut tree.
This plant is dioecious characteristics for export
This plant is a dioecious tree, up to 30 meters high, tropical stem, leaves with long petioles, the fruit is hippocastanum like color, dark brown, light brown, gold or purple in color.
Maleki commercial collects harvested premium quality dates in different types, Kabkab, Zahedi, Mozaffati, Piarom and Shahani from Southern regions of Iran and export them in standard packs globally.

Best date composition for export
100 g dry date contains below compounds:
Carbohydrates | 72 g |
Protein | 2.2 mg |
Potassium | 648 mg |
Phosphorus | 63 mg |
Thiamine | 0.09 mg |
Niacin | 2.2 mg |
Calcium | 59 mg |
Riboflavin | 0.1 mg |
Water | 22 g |
Iron | 3 mg |
Fatty material | 0.5 mg |
Sodium | 1 mg |
Vitamin A | 50 international unit |
Where does date tree grow?
The initial origin is not clear. It grows in tropical regions of North Africa, South West Asia and countries such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Algeria, Sudan and Libya.
High quality export type dates are produced in Khoozestan, Bushehr, South Fars, Hormozgan, Kerman and Sistan va Baluchestan provinces in Iran.

Dates and their amazing properties
- Fruits gives a relax feel and diuretic.
- It enhances sex appetite and strength.
- The gum of this incredible tree is recommended for urinary and sexual disorders. Core pith powder is anti-pain and known as anti-biotic.
- It is also anti-cancer and is recommended for avoidance.
Dates and traditional medicine use
- It is known to have a warm and dry nature in traditional medicine and suggested for many diseases.
- It is suggested for constipation, chest pain relief, smallpoxs and gonorrhea.
- Grip remedy, kidney sedative and joint softener.
- Seed powder is turned to a cream which is useful for headache.
Maleki commercial, the biggest date exporter
Maleki commercial directly exports dates in Iran and worldwide. The commercial company sells Kabkab, Zahedi, Mozaffati, Piarom and Shahani to the markets as EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAT, DAP, FOB, FAC, CFR and CIF in order to consumer demand.
Global date export
Maleki commercial, the global exporter of Kabkab, Zahedi, Mozaffati, Piarom and Shahani with high quality and lowest price among all companies. This holding has gained a lot of success in this trade to many different countries. If you need premium quality dates you can buy best standard qualities and packs with high confidence. Dates are prepared in 400, 500 and 600 g packages according to customer demand.

Date price in Iran
Maleki commercial exports Kabkab, Zahedi, Mozaffati, Piarom and Shahani dates through Elliso sky brand to the world and gained a lot of customers and high rate of satisfaction today.
Date supplier in Iran
Maleki commercial is ready to sell dates to customers all over the world. We guaranty all our products through sea, air or post export.
Maleki commercial is warrantor to its customers and answers through differnt contact ways. Customers are the main base of this company. We send all orders of our products worldwide with no doubt and lateness.

Date names
- Scientific name: Phoenix Dactylifera L.
- English name: Date, Date Palm, Palm Tree.
- French name: Dattier, Palmier, Datte.
- Turkish name: Hurma
- German name: Datum, Dattel, Datieren, Verabredung, Ausgehen.
- Spanish name: Datil
- Italian name: Dattero
- Portuguese name: Tamara
- Chekhov name: Datle
- Dutch name: Dadel
- Russian name: финик
- Armenia name: խուրմա. արմավ,
- Greek name: χουρμάς
- Arabic name: Tamar, Tamur, Rotab
- Indian name: Khajor, खजूर
- Persian name: Khorma