Citrullus Colocynthis Fruit (Colocynth Fruit
What is Citrullus Colocynthis Fruit (Colocynth Fruit)?
The Colocynth Fruit (Citrullus Colocynthis L.) Schrad belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family which is one of the best-selling export plants.
Plant names
- Scientific name: Citrullus Colocynthis (L.) Schrad
- English Name: Bitter Cucumber, Colocynth, Bitter Apple, Colocynth Gourd, Colocynth Plant
- German: Coloquinte
- Italian: Popon Amaro, Coloquinda, Coloquintida
- France: Coloquinte.
- Arabic: Mararatol hesari, Hnazal, Hadej
- Persian: Watermelon Abu Jahl, Hanzal, Bitter Apple, Bitter Pumpkin, Alqam
Botanical characteristics
Colocynth fruit is a herbaceous perennial plant with broad stems at the base, that gas simple ivy or two branches, branched, thick and fleshy roots. The leaf blades are 2.5 to 10 cm long and 2 to 7 cm wide, with an oval circumference. There are delicate hairs along the veins on the upper side, but the underside is covered with rough hairs. The leaves have 3 to 5 deep lobes with a sinusoidal toothed margin, wavy, with a cordate base, a pointed tip, lobed shoulder lobes, and a long central lobe. The petioles are rough and reach a length of 6 to 10 cm. The sepals are lanceolate and 2 to 5 mm long. The fruit is 5 to 10 cm long and yellowish-green. The flesh of the bitter fruit contains white to brown seeds in yolks form.
Pharmaceutical Part
Chemical compounds
This plant contains colocentine, phytosterol glycoside, pectic acid, phosphate, calcium, magnesium, lignin, colocentine, citrulline, citrolol, cocorbitacin and gum substances.
Geographical distribution
Global distribution
This plant grows in Iran, southwest Asia, southern India, the Mediterranean, and the Canary Islands.
Distribution in Iran
This plant grows in Khuzestan, Hormozgan, Sistan and Baluchestan, South Khorasan, Bushehr and Fars.

Treatment therapeutic properties
- Laxative
- Purgative
- Carminative
- Abortifacient
- Antiparasitic
- Anti-fever
- Against flatulence
- Treatment of headache
- Treatment of gout
- Treatment of jaundice
- Treatment of constipation
- Treatment of hemorrhoids
- Treatment of toothache
- Treatment of diabetes type 2
- Treatment of cancerous glands
- Treatment of uterine pain
- Treatment of urinary tract diseases
- Treatment of urinary tract infections
- Treatment of eye inflammations
How to collect and maintain
When the fruit is ripe, it is harvested and peeled. The flesh is stored in the open air, and the powder in dark, closed containers, with poisonous labels.
Instructions for consumption
- Pregnant women
- Lactating women
- Children under 12 years of age
- Patients with irritable bowel syndrome.
Side effects
- Diarrhea
- Nausea
- Vomiting
Side effects of overdose
- Convulsions
- Vomiting
- Urinary incontinence
- Blurred vision
- Death
- Vascular collapse, paralysis
Note: Before using this plant, please consult your doctor.
Colocynth Fruit price
Maleki Commercial exports colocynth fruit at the best price and quality under the brand Elisso
Sky to the Europe, Asia, and and United States. Also, it has already won several customers.
Global export of Colocynth Fruit
Maleki commercial is one of the leading global exporters of this wild fruit fruit that have the most effective ingredients and best quality and price among other companies that export this plant. This holding has been very successful in exporting this plant to different countries without intermediaries.
You can rely on this company to provide the best quality products in safe and standardized packaging when you need this kind of high-quality export.

Maleki Commercial, the largest exporter of Colocynth Fruit
Maleki Commercial is the largest direct exporter of colocynth fruit in Iran and Asia. This company exports the best quality of this plant as per the buyer’s requirement in the form of EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAT, DAP, FOB, FAC, CFR, CIF.
Colocynth Fruit Supplier
Maleki Commercial is a supplier of this fruit with the best quality and price for export with a competitive advantage.
This company exports top quality, rare, and special medicinal plants worldwide.