
mazafati date

خرمای مضافتی

What is  mazafati date?

mazafati date is a plant belong to Palmaceae family with scientific name of Phoenix Dactylifera L. with physical similarity to coconut tree.

Physical properties of mazafati dates for export

The fruits are oval shape, fleshy and brown to black in color. Fruit weights are 10-15 grams, 34-42 mm length and 21-26 mm in width. This type of date is soft and contains more water in it.

Mazafati date

Chemical composition of mazafati dates for export

Chemical composition include: iron, potassium, sodium, calcium, protein, fat and carbohydrate of which 60-68% are compromised as reducing sugars.

Mazafati date classification based on Iran national standards

This type of date is classified into 3 classes:
  1. Big size     2- medium       3- small

Class                      Date count in kilograms

Big                                 up to 80

Medium                          81-100

Small                             101 and more

Note: For classification of this type, date numbers of 1000 grams are counted and reported.

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Mazafati date properties

Expectorant, purgative and sexual enhancer and useful for anemia remedy.

It is good for chest disorders.

Prevents cholesterol absorption in the intestine due to beta-D- glucane.

It facilitates stomach and intestine discharge.

It is effective for bronchitis and kidney disorders.  

Mazafati date products

This type of date is used for alcohol, chocolate, sweets, sweet paste, sauce and vinegar production.

Maleki commercial, the biggest mazafati date exporter

This company is the biggest  exporter of mazafati in Iran and over the world. Maleki commercial exports mazafati date according to customer demand in forms of EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAT, DAP, FOB, FAC, CFR, CIF.

Mazafati dates global export

Maleki commercial, the global exporter of mazafati dates with maximum quality and lowest price among all companies. This holding has gained a lot of success in this trade to many different countries. If you need premium quality mazafati dates you can buy best standard qualities in 400, 500 and 600 gram packs according to consumers order.

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Mazafati date price in Iran

Maleki commercial exports best price mazafati dates through Elliso sky brand to the world and gained a lot of customers and high rate of satisfaction today.

Mazafati date supplier in Iran

Maleki commercial is ready to sell mazafati to customers all over the world. We guaranty all our products through sea, air or post export.

Maleki commercial is warrantor to its customers and answers through differnt contact ways. Customers are the main base of this company. We send all orders of our products worldwide with no doubt and lateness.  

Date names

  • Scientific name: Phoenix Dactylifera L.
  • English name: Date, Date Palm, and Palm Tree.  
  • French name: Dattier, Palmier, Datte.
  • Turkish name: Hurma
  • German name: Datum, Dattel, Datieren, Verabredung, Ausgehen.
  • Spanish name: Datil
  • Italian name: Dattero
  • Portuguese name: Tamara

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