

The Knowledge-based Maleki commercial was licensed by the Organization of Industry, Mines and Agriculture in 2013 with the objective of producing, processing and packaging healthy medicinal herbs and under two brands, “Elisso Sky” & “Clementa Herb”, was registered and collaborated with a group of graduates Medicinal plants commenced its activities.

The company carries out all its stages of production by using modern knowledge and experienced experts and continuously updating its production knowledge under the supervision of a team of academic experts and is continuously connected with knowledge-based companies in the field of producing organic and healthy products.

In its ten-year long-term program, the Company is committed to be determined as the largest com

pany in producing healthy and natural products via standardizing its products and customer-oriented activities.

The Company welcomes the cooperation of all international pharmaceutical plants for the exchange of information in order to qualify products.

The goal of the Maleki commercial is to promote the use of organic medicinal plants, with a high quality and international standards in order to promote the health of all members of the society and their reconciliation with nature. The Company is committed to maintaining its values such as product quality, customer orientation, trust and confidence, and sustainable development. Therefore, in order to create the products, needed by its customers around the world, it has a ten-year integrated program that constantly is updated with a view to changing knowledge and technology.

Today, Maleki commercial’s portfolio of products includes a wide range of medicinal herbs, spices and herbs, essential oils, data and gums, produced by the “Elisso Sky brand. These products are not found at the store level and are only introduced and supplied directly to foreign traders through the independent trained agents.

Maleki commercial

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1 دیدگاه در “brand

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